Indian Vedas In English


• ‘The Samhitas are the most ancient part of the Vedas, consisting of hymns of praise to God.’ • ‘The Vedas are composed in an ancient language of mantra, myth and symbol and utilise a rich poetic and imagistic expression.’ • ‘Shankara was a Vedanta scholar, who had mastered the Vedas and the Upanishads at an early age.’ • ‘The Upanishads, a set of deeply philosophical works comprising the final portion of the Veda, place great emphasis on Sun worship.’ • ‘The Sama Veda differs from other Vedas in that it is chanted with some melody.’ Origin.

Hindu Vedas In English

Dec 12, 2014 - Which books are the oldest (the first) English translation of Vedas? Deepak Pandey (दीपक पाण्डेय), works at Government of India (2017-present).