Number Of James Bond Movies

Through the advent of the Internet, people nowadays are well aware of the technological advances taking place. This was not the case 40 years ago, when if an outlandish gadget was shown and through special effects made believable, people were impressed. That is how the movies got a following in the 60s and 70s. Ring cameras, a Rolex submariner used as a saw, jet packs, and a car that turns into a submarine more than caught the people's attention. Soon the gadgets became an integral part of the Bond arsenal, and hence, the movies. People did complain of the overuse of gadgets, and hence, it was toned down later. The most drastic transition came when the latest Bond is portrayed as a technophobe.

  1. James Bond Movie Cast List

The first few Bond movies were released when the Cold War was at its highest point. So, the villains were mostly Soviet citizens. This changed with time as the criminal mastermind became stateless, although first giving us the impression that he belongs to a renegade nation.

The release date for the upcoming Bond movie, possibly titled ‘Never Dream Of Dying’ or ‘Shatterhand’, was set to October 25th, 2019, but now that director Danny Boyle has left it’s estimated to be delayed until 2020. In the past 56 years, a total of 26 James Bond films has been made.


James Bond Movie Cast List

This was aptly portrayed in The World is Not Enough. The latest themes also depict stateless criminals, although they are shown to be terrorists with an agenda for damaging the world on a much larger scale using methods people are aware of nowadays. • The first five movies featured Sean Connery, and people still believe he has done the most book-appropriate portrayal of James Bond. • The I-do-not-care attitude, suaveness, and dripping self-confidence shown by Connery is almost unmatched. • He wore a toupee to cover his baldness in all the Bond movies he was featured in. • He did reprise his role in Diamonds Are Forever, but age kicked in and the studio looked for a fresher face. • For his return to play the role of Bond in Diamonds Are Forever, he was reportedly paid a huge sum; the money was donated to a Scottish charity.