Series Online Legendadas

  1. Series Online Legendadas Em Ingles
Series Online Legendadas

Series Online Legendadas Em Ingles

Robert Crais Collection (Epub & Mobi) Elvis Cole and Joe Pike, a pair of Hollywood private eyes, are based in Los Angeles, California Elvis Cole is an ex-Ranger. He has a Mickey Mouse phone in his office, drinks his coffee out of a Spider-Man mug, quotes Jiminy Cricket and he claims he wants to be Peter Pan. And he's been known to drive a bright yellow 1966 Corvette. He packs a Dan Wesson.38 in a shoulder rig, has dabbled in more than one of the martial arts, and has survived the Vietnam war. He's earned a rep as a tough, conscientious, albeit somewhat unorthodox investigator. Joe Pike is Elvis Cole's partner who just happens to be a bit bigger, tougher and more at home with the use of violence and not too troubled by attacks of conscience.